Monday, June 18, 2012

6 AM on a Saturday

Believe it or not, I got up at 5:00AM this past Saturday to make the trek(via subway) from Bushwick to the Rockaways. I met with buds, Ingmar, Gilly and Jack for an early morning surfing session at the 67th Street spot in the Rockaways. Ingmar lives in the Rockaways, while Gilly - a fellow photographer, and Jack are from Belgium. Both of them live and work in New York now and travel from the upper west side of Manhattan on the weekends for these outings. You won't catch me up photographing at this time too often. Especially on a Saturday with all my gear, but I'm looking forward to a few more of these treks this Summer. Maybe it's time for me to finally get my own board?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Joshua Tree Sunset

Here's a few more photos from my recent trip to California. My bestest buddy Tanika and I made our way down to the famed Joshua Tree Park for a quick photo shoot in the desert sun just before sunset. Definitely headed back there soon!